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Below is a summary of our Policies for your information. Please note that full version of the policies is in the waiting room and hard copies available on request.

Admissions policy

It is our intention to make our nursery accessible to children and families from all section of the local community through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures.

Supporting children with Special Educational Needs

As part of our settings’ policy to make sure that our provision meets the needs of each individual child, we take account of any special needs a child may have. We work to the requirements of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice September 2014.

Behaviour policy

Our nursery believes that children flourish best when they know how they are expected to behave and should be free to play and learn without fear of being hurt or unfairly restricted by anyone.

Comments & Complaints policy

Our nursery believes that children and parents/carers are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt careful to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our services and will give quick and serious attention to any concerns about the running of our service. We hope that most concerns will be dealt with quickly and informally. Otherwise our procedure for handling complaints will be used. If you have any complaints please speak to the manager or the deputy manager, who are always available.

Confidential policy

Our intention is to respect the privacy of children and their parents/carers while ensuring that they access high quality care, learning and development.

Emergency and Accident policy

We define an emergency as an unplanned, sudden or unexpected event or situation that requires immediate action to prevent harm, injury or illness to all persons in our environment.
We believe that having this policy in place is important for the children, families and practitioners. All emergency contact numbers recorded and up dated.

Health & Hygiene and Safety policy

We believe that the health and safety of children is of paramount importance as well as for parents/carers, volunteers and practitioners. We undertake fire drills once every ½ term so that all are aware of their responsibilities.

Equality and Diversity policy.

We are committed to valuing diversity by providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children, families and practitioners. We understand that everyone comes from a diverse cultural, racial and socioeconomic background and we endeavour to have an
environment of mutual respect. We are committed to providing a positive and loving learning environment, free from prejudice, discrimination and discrimination and fear, in which everyone feels accepted and valued.

Parental Involvement policy

We believe that children benefit most when parents/carers are working together with our nursery in partnership.

Child Protection policy

We believe that children have the right to protection from being hurt, from violence, abuse and neglect. All practitioners are trained to be aware of the possible indication of abuse and neglect and the procedure for dealing with suspected cases.

Inclusion policy

Our nursery welcomes all children and families. We aim to take steps to meet the diverse needs of all children provide them all with the same learning and development opportunities in a stimulating environment, which has safe access to all areas. We aim to adapt any areas to meet all the
children’s individuality needs to help them become a valued member of our setting.

Settling in policy

We want children to feel safe, stimulated and happy with us and feel secure and comfortable with practitioners. We also want parents/carers to have confidence in both their children’s wellbeing and their role as active partners. We are committed to the key person approach. All children are
individual and therefore we work in partnership with the parents/carers when settling in.

Staffing and Employment policy

We provide a high staffing ratio to ensure that children have sufficient individual attention and to guarantee care, learning and development of a high quality. Our practitioners are appropriately qualified and are checked from criminal records in accordance with the EYFS requirements.

The non-collection of children policy

In the event that a child is not collected by an adult at the end of a session we will put into practice agreed procedures. We will make sure that the child receives a high standard of care in order to cause as little distress as possible.